ARCHE Cross Registration is a program developed and sponsored by the Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education. The program allows students at member institutions to broaden their academic experience by registering for courses at other member colleges and universities.
View a complete list of ARCHE institutions
Courses are taken on a space available basis. The student is registered at the host institution as a special student only. Cross Registration does not constitute regular admission and the student has access only to those facilities needed to successfully complete the course(s). Students must be full-time, degree-seeking, and in good standing to participate.
Emory Students
Emory University students who wish to enroll for courses at an ARCHE member institution must complete a Cross Registration application form and receive approval from their advisor and the ARCHE Coordinator in the Registrar's Office. All applications must be submitted through the online ARCHE application portal.
Emory College students should email, for ARCHE academic advisor approval.

Visiting Students
Students from other ARCHE member institutions who wish to enroll at Emory University must contact their home institution ARCHE cross registration coordinator for information and application.