
Courses verses Classes are defined as follows

  • A “course” is used to identify a subject proposed to be offered, using a specific number as an identifier.  To learn more about the difference between a course and a class, view the Course versus class guide
  • A “class” is used to identify a specific course, offered in a semester, with specific section number as an identifier. To learn more about the difference between a course and a class, view the Course versus class guide.

Course Offering

Use this form to add/change/inactivate a course approved by the Curriculum Committee.  This form is used by all schools, except UCOL.

Request Form

Class Scheduling

All Class requests for the following schools should be submitted via CourseLeaf/CLSS:

  • Emory College
  • Goizueta Business School
  • Laney Graduate School
  • Woodruff School of Nursing
  • Candler School of Theology
  • Oxford College
  • Rollins School of Public Health

Any Class requests from the School of Medicine and School of Law should be sent to
