Replacement Diplomas

Delivery Fees for Replacement Diplomas

Effective January 1, 2022

  • Domestic Shipping (United States Postal Service): No Charge
  • Domestic Shipping – Expedited (United Parcel Service): $25.00 USD
  • International Shipping (United Parcel Service): $150.00 USD

Alumni may request a replacement diploma if the original diploma has been lost or destroyed at a cost of $75 (effective January 1, 2022). To request a replacement credential, use the Online Ordering Service link to provide information about your credential. Once the request is received, requestors will be notified via email if it has been approved or denied. If the request is approved, the institution will place an order for that credential.  

Replacement diplomas follow the format of the current Emory diploma and contain the signatures of current Emory officials. Replacement diplomas list the student’s name as it appeared on the student’s transcript. A statement of replacement is printed in the lower left of the diploma and is not visible upon the framing of the diploma. Replacement diplomas are typically delivered within 6-8 weeks. Please contact us for questions regarding replacement diplomas.