Data Request Form
Data Policy Statement
The Office of the Registrar complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Emory University’s Data Management Policy.
Please read the following statement before submitting your Data Request:
Student data is protected by FERPA. Under this Act, individuals with an educational need to know may access student data for the purpose of fulfilling required job responsibilities. FERPA requires that you maintain the confidentiality of all students’ records, and that no information from the records be released to a third party without the written permission of the student.
I understand that the student data is being provided solely for the purpose described and may not be released to any third party not specifically listed on this request. I understand that if the student data is needed for another purpose, I must contact the University Registrar for authorization. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that any systems/machines on which these student data are stored are secured according to Emory University guidelines. Finally, I understand that failure to adhere to this agreement may lead to loss of student data privileges or employee disciplinary action.
By clicking Accept, you are accepting responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the information within this data request.