What-If Degree Tracker Report: Advisors
To print: Command + P for (MAC), Control + P for (PC).
To print: Command + P for (MAC), Control + P for (PC).
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The What-If report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress toward graduation for a particular major and/or minor. Students have the ability to change some criteria, including seeing what requirements still need to be met.
How to Create a What-If Degree Tracker Report: Advisors
- Log in to OPUS using your Emory Network ID and Password.
- Select the Academic Advising tile from the Faculty/Advisor page.
- Click the Advisor Center folder to expand options.
- Select My Advisees.
- Click Student Center.
- Select the student from the Change Advisee dropdown menu.
- Click Change.
- Select What-if Report from the dropdown menu.
- Click Blue Double Arrow to process.
- Click Create New Report.
- Select the Career and Catalog Year from the Career Scenario dropdown menus to simulate alternate majors.
- Click Submit Request to process the report.
- The Advisement Report will appear for the What-If scenario.
For additional information, please review the help documentation for the Degree Tracker Tool – Advisement Report.
To print: Command + P for (MAC), Control + P for (PC).