Add/Drop/Swap: Quick Enroll

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Eligible staff use the Add/Drop/Swap (A/D/S) Quick Enroll functionality to create or change schedules. Schedule changes include, but are not limited to, adding a class, dropping a class, changing credit hours, changing grading basis, and adding, removing, or changing a grade.

The Add/Drop/Swap functions are within the Quick Enroll a Student page, available on the Manage Student Enrollment tile in the Student Schedule/Enrollment folder.

How to Quick Enroll a Student


  • Log in to OPUS using your Emory Network ID and Password.
  • Select the Manage Student Enrollment tile from the Administrator page.
  • Click the Student Schedule > Enrollment folder from the left side menu to expand options.
  • Select Quick Enroll a Student.
Left-side Menu in OPUS: Quick Enroll a Student
Quick Enroll a Student Window
  • ID: Enter the student’s 7-digit emplID or click the magnifying glass to enter additional information to locate the student.
  • Academic Career: Enter the student's career or click the magnifying glass. The list will only include the careers of the selected students.
  • Academic Institution: Defaults to EMORY.
  • Term: Enter the term. The magnifying glass will list only the active terms in the student's career.
  • Click Add button to retrieve the student’s schedule.
  • For most staff, access to perform enrollment actions for a term end is after the last day of drop/add for the term. 
  • School administrators may have extended access to perform enrollment actions on behalf of their school until later in the term.
  • After a term ends, only staff within the Office of the Registrar can perform enrollment actions. To perform enrollment actions, staff must submit requests using the schedule change form in the OPUS SR tile. To access the SR tile, please contact the school liaison.
  • Compliance guidelines govern enrollment actions and may be subject to the Registrar’s review and final approval.
After logging into a student’s record in Quick Enroll a Student, the user will see several tabs along the top of the page. Each tab includes data elements the user may need depending on the completed enrollment action.
  • Click each tab to view the features available enrollment options.
Quick Enroll a Student Tabs
How to Add a Class: Enroll

When enrolling a student in a class, the Actions are Enroll or Swap.

  • Class Enrollment: Select Enroll under Action, enter the Class Nbr, or click the magnifying glass to search for a class.
  • Classes that require a related component, such as non-credit lab or discussion, are entered under the Related 1 option.
Quick Enrollment: Enroll a Student in the Class Enrollment Tab
  • Units and Grade: This tab views or changes credit hours and grading base. Always review this tab when enrolling students. 
  • Fixed credit hours cannot be changed, but staff can edit variable credit hours from the minimum to the maximum allowable hours during enrollment.
  • Verify the correct number of hours entered for a variable credit class. OPUS defaults to the minimum credit hours. 
  • Most classes allow students to change a GRD (grade) to SUS (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory). Students may also have permission too AUD (Audit) a class.

Units and Grade Tab: used to view or change credit hour and grading bases.
This page lists the Applicable requirement designations for Emory College of Arts and Sciences classes. The applicable GER tag will default to the student’s schedule.

  • Selecting the General Overrides tab is necessary when enrolling or dropping after the A/D/S deadline.
  • Use the 1st day of the term as the Action Date for enrolling, swapping, and dropping if the term has begun. 
General or class overrides
  • DO NOT override Requisites, Service Indicator, Career, Requisite, or Unit Load unless authorized.
  • DO override Appointment unless appropriate and authorized.
General Overrides Tab
  • DO NOT override Closed Class, Class Units, Grading Basis, Class Permission, or Waitlist Pos unless the consequences are understood and authorized to override.
  • NEVER override Class Links or Dynamic Dates.
Class Overrides Tab
  • Click Submit to complete the process.
  • Successor Messages indicate the class has been successfully added or swapped.
  • Error indicates the process was unsuccessful.
    Click the error link to view why the action was unsuccessful. If the issue cannot be resolved, contact the Registrar's office.
Sample Error Messages
Student Already Enrolled in Class, Add Not ProcessedThe enrollment request was not processed; the student is already enrolled in the class for the specified term. Verify class number and term, and re-submit the Requests


Student Not Enrolled, Class (XXX) Full The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the specified class has been reached.Class Limit
Unable to Drop Class, Will Put Students Below Minimum UnitsThe requested drop transaction was not processed. Dropping the class would put the student below the minimum units required for enrollment. Unit Load
Time Scheduling Conflict, Student Not Enrolled In ClassThe class the student is attempting to enroll in has a scheduling conflict with an existing class the student is already enrolled in. Either select another class, or override the time conflict. Time Conflict
Maximum Term Student Unit Load ExceededAdd transaction not processed. The student maximum term unit load would be exceeded.Unit Load
Enrollment Is Not Allowed For This Class: It is Outside the Student's Career of StudyThe Add transaction was not processed. The student's academic career is not valid for the class. Career
The Student is Already Enrolled in the 'To' Class of the Swap Transaction, Swap Not Processed.The student is already enrolled in the To class of the swap transaction. The swap transaction was not processed.None
(XXX) to Enroll in Class, Add Not ProcessedConsent is needed to enroll in the class. The add transaction was not processed. Override Permission Nbr
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How to Drop a Class

When dropping a student from a class, the Action is Drop.

  • Select Drop under Action.
  • Enter Class Nbr, or click the magnifying glass to search for a class.
  • Click Submit.
Class Enrollment Tab: Drop a class.

  • If the term has not begun, drop the class. The class will be removed from the schedule.
  • If a student drops the class between the 1st day of the term and the end of the drop/add, the system will remove the class from their schedule.

    The class enrollment record will be retained in the enrollment table for up to 2 years for historical purposes. Because of retention, students who are dropped from all classes after the first day of class cannot have their admission revoked.
Extended access to drop classes
  • After drop/add has ended, any drops will automatically record a W grade on the student’s record.
  • If a student's W grade is invalid, staff should submit a Schedule Change Form on the OPUS SR tile. For access, please contact the school liaison.
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How to Swap a Class: Swap Courses

Swap allows students to replace a class already on their schedule with a new class.

  • Select Swap under Action.
  • Enter Class Nbr from the schedule to be swapped.
  • Enter Change To class number or use the magnifying glass to search for the class.
  • Enter the class number in the Class Nbr and Change To fields if a lab only must be swapped.
  • Enter the lab class number into the Related 1 field to Swap.

Follow the General and Class Overrides steps above in the Add a Class (Enroll) section.

Class Enrollment Tab: Swap Courses
Normal Maintenance

The Normal Maintenance action changes a class's grading base or credit hours.

Class Enrollment Tab: Normal Maintenance
Units and Grade Tab:
  • Click Submit

To print: Command + P for (MAC), Control + P for (PC).

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