Master of Public Accounting (MPA)

Emory University's accounting program is accredited by American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Educational Requirements for Professional Licensure

The tables below indicates where the program MEETS or DOES NOT MEET the educational requirements for professional licensure or where Emory HAS NOT DETERMINED if the program meets those requirements. Students are encouraged to contact the applicable state board in which they intend to practice before enrolling in the program.


Alabama 1Hawaii 1Michigan 1North Carolina 1Utah 1
Alaska 1Idaho 1Minnesota 1North Dakota 1Vermont 1
Arizona 1Illinois 1Mississippi 1Ohio 1Virginia 1
Arkansas 1Indiana 1Missouri 1Oklahoma 1Washington 1
California 1Iowa 1Montana 1Oregon 1West Virginia 1
Colorado 1Kansas 1Nebraska 1Pennsylvania 1Wisconsin 1
Connecticut 1Kentucky 1Nevada 1Rhode Island 1Wyoming 1
Delaware 1Louisiana 1New Hampshire 1South Carolina 1American Samoa 1
District of Columbia (DC) 1Maine 1New Jersey 1South Dakota 1Guam 1
Florida 1Maryland 1New Mexico 1Tennessee 1Northern Mariana Islands 1
Massachusetts 1New York 1Texas 1Puerto Rico 1US Virgin Islands 1
1 = Undetermined